How I Turned $9 Into $900 Without Lifting a Finger (Seriously)

šŸ’« Sienna Clarke
4 min readDec 13, 2020

It really did feel like magic.

Iā€™ve been blogging and building blogs and websites since 2003, and Iā€™m a card-carrying domain-a-holic. Which means that I own about 50 to 75 domains. I also own about 7 or 8 blogs and ecommerce websites.

It wasnā€™t until I bought one particular domain that it all hit me.

I had purchased this domain (whose name I shall not mention to protect the identity of the buyer), and was planning on starting a marketing company for one specific type of business.

I started building the site, but put it on hold temporarily. So I put up an ā€œUnder Constructionā€ page until I was ready to finish it.

One morning I got an email from someone wanting to know if I would be interested in selling that domain.

It kind of caught me off guard, because I was still thinking about using it for a new business. But deeper thinking brought me to the conclusion that it would be a business that had more ā€˜maintenanceā€™ than I wanted to deal with.

So I thought about the offer for a couple of days, then sent my reply.

After negotiating for a day or two, we agreed that the buyer would purchase my domain for $900 US, and he would pay the Escrow fees (a service that youā€¦



šŸ’« Sienna Clarke

Single mom to 3 grown ups. Growing into my writing career and enjoying the progress. I write mostly about self discovery, self improvement and relationships.