How to Cope When the Family Pet Dies

💫 Sienna Clarke
4 min readOct 18, 2020

We got him at 8 weeks old. He was the cutest thing on four legs.

Photo by Cheryl Cox on Unsplash

The kids adored him, and at the time, we had two girls. He was my third child.

He was super protective of the kids. When they went up the street to play at the neighbors house, he would sit on the neighbor’s front step until the kids were ready to come home. No matter what treat I offered him, he refused to budge.

When we went to bed, he made the rounds of each child’s bedroom, making sure everyone was okay. Then he would settle into his place at the top of the stairs for the night.

After my ex left, he would damn near get attacked anytime he tried to visit, which was fine with me.

He was thirteen years old and he was a beautiful companion. It’s been ten years since I had to have him put down because of back and hip problems that are common with the breed at that age. He could barely walk, and was incontinent. It’s still difficult to even think about without crying.

Prior to this day, I had spoken with the vet about the possibility of surgery. He told me that it might be an option, but my dog would be in pain and on medication for the rest of his life. And all we’d be doing, was prolonging the inevitable.



💫 Sienna Clarke

Single mom to 3 grown ups. Growing into my writing career and enjoying the progress. I write mostly about self discovery, self improvement and relationships.